
對象﹕15-18 歲學生


  • 由牛津導師任教,率先試讀數學及科學相關課程
  • 體驗大學學習模式,入住學院宿舍,享用膳食和設施
  • 英國大學入學申請講座,英文工作坊和面試訓練
  • 暢遊牛津和倫敦,參觀博物館,娛樂活動,感受英倫文化

日期: 2016年7月31日至8月13日

費用﹕港幣$28,800*(原價港幣$38,800,ECA for Future 提供$10,000贊助,名額5名)

2147 3728(鄭小姐)

由ECA Education代辦:

Study Tour @ Oxford

Target﹕ 15-18 Years old Students

Course Features:

  • Taught by Oxford tutor, focus on Maths and Science related subjects
  • Undergraduate level teaching, accommodation at college
  • Seminars on Oxbridge admission, English workshops, mock interviews
  • Tour of the city or museum visit, activities…

Date: 31st Jul – 13th Aug, 2016

Fee: HK$28,800*(Original price: HK$38,800 sponsorship of HK$10,000 will be granted to 5 students by ECA for Future)



  1. 一份填妥及簽署的「2016暑期遊學@牛津 」報名表格
  2. 報名費HK$1,000 (任何情況下將不獲退還)
  3. 按金HK$7,000 (按金可於繳付團費時扣除,如學生報名後退出遊學團,按金將不獲退還)
  4. 最近一個學期之校內成績表副本
  5. 護照副本 (護照有效期由回程日計算須為6個月或以上)
  6. 證件相片四張 (必須為半年內之近照)
  7. 個人陳述簡介(如有)


  1. 遊學團的學費和教材
  2. 遊學團期間住宿和膳食
  3. 遊學團包括之遊覽項目
  4. 往返學校及指定活動之交通費
  5. 活動T恤 (或有關紀念品)
  6. 結業證書
  7. 學生評估報告表


  1. 報名費HK$1,000
  2. 旅遊保險(所有學生必須自行購買旅遊保險)
  3. 來回機票,各地關稅、機場稅、航空公司燃油附加費以及服務費等


Required Documents

  1. A completed and signed "Oxford Summer Camp 2016" Registration Form
    [Application Form Download]
  2. HK$1,000 registration fee (non-refundable)
  3. Deposit HK$7,000 (deposit can be deducted on payment of fee. If students cancel and withdraw from the study tour after registration, the deposit will not be refunded)
  4. A copy of the most recent school transcript
  5. A copy of passport (passport validity date shall be calculated by the return day of 6 months or more)
  6. Four passport photos (photo must be within six months)
  7. Personal Statement Profile (if any)

Study Tour fee includes:

  1. Study tour tuition and teaching materials
  2. Study tour accommodation and meals
  3. Tour activities during the study tour
  4. Transportation to and from school and activities specified
  5. Activity T-shirt (or related souvenirs)
  6. Certificate of Completion
  7. Student Assessment Report Form

Study Tour fee does not include:

  1. Registration fee HK $ 1,000
  2. Travel Insurance (All students must purchase their own travel insurance)
  3. Round-trip airfare, local tariffs, airport taxes, airline fuel surcharges and service fees


  1. 第一次付款 – 報名時繳交: 報名費HK$1,000, 按金HK$7,000
  2. 最終付款(出發日期60天前) 遊學團費用餘額及其他費用, 如學生之報名日期距離出發日期不足60天,遊學團費用餘額則須於報名後7天內繳交。


  1. 直接存入或轉賬至ECA以下賬戶:
    銀行︰Bank Of China
    轉賬後,請將過戶收據副本即日寄回或傳真至ECA辦事處,傳真:(852) 26685806。(過戶收據上必須寫上學生的中、英文姓名、遊學團編號及電話)
  2. 遞交支票,抬頭註明“ECA EDUCATION”,支票背面必須寫上學生的中、英文姓名、學生編號、遊學團編號及電話,郵寄或交回ECA辦事處。
  3. 學生/家長需負責提供付款證明及上述學生資料予ECA辨識該付款。如因學生/家長未能提供之付款證明,ECA不會負責該項損失。

Payment procedures

  1. First payment - for registration: registration fee HK$1,000, deposit HK$7,000
  2. Final payment (60 days before departure date) - the balance of the fee of study tours and other expenses. If the student registration date is less than 60 days from the date of departure, it shall be paid within 7 days after registration.

Payment method

  1. Direct deposit or transfer to the following ECA account:
    Bank︰Bank Of China
    Account ︰ECA EDUCATION
    Account Number ︰012-695-0-004445-9
    After the transfer, please immediately mail or fax the transfer receipt copy to ECA Office, Fax: (852) 26685806. (Students must write in English and Chinese names, phone numbers and study tours code on the transfer receipt copy)
  2. Submit a check payable to "ECA EDUCATION", write on the back of the check the student's English and Chinese names, phone numbers and study tours code, mailing or return to ECA office.
  3. Students / Parents are responsible for providing proof of payment and the student personal information to ECA. If students / parents can not provide proof of payment, ECA will not be responsible for any potential loss.


1. 自行退學–學生在遊學團前或期間任何時間要求退學,均視為自動放棄,學生及/或家長將不獲任何退款;學生及/或家長並須繳付更改機票及交通安排的額外費用。

2. 不能參加個別活動–學生因個人理由或健康原因不能參加當地個別活動,均視為自動放棄,學生及/或家長將不獲任何退款。

3. 違反校規–嚴重違反校規的學生將會收到ECA正式書面警告,如學生在遊學團期間再次嚴重違規;ECA有權終止該學生的遊學團,一切費用均不獲退還;學生及/或家長並須繳付提早返港更改機票及交通安排的額外費用。

4. 學生在出發前若因個人理由取消遊學團,必須以書面形式申請,電話及電郵通知恕不接受。 5. 學生及/或家長必須在指定限期內繳交費用,否則ECA保留取消學生參加遊學團的權利,而一切已繳交之費用均不獲退還。

6. 如學生因個人理由或「迫不得已理由」(包括戰爭、政治動盪、恐怖襲擊、天災、疫症、惡劣天氣、罷工、工業行動、旅遊目的地政府 / 世界衛生組織發出旅遊警告、香港特區政府發出紅色/ 黑色外遊警示,以及其他不能控制的不利外遊的情況) 需要退出遊學團,ECA將根據以下條款退回費用:










Cancellation and Withdrawal

1. Self withdrawal - Student request for a withdrawal at any time before or during the study tour shall be deemed a waiver, students and / or parents will not be eligible for any refund; students and / or parents are required to pay an additional change tickets and transportation arrangements cost.

2. Can not participate in certain activities - student for personal reasons or health reasons can not participate in certain activities shall be deemed a waiver, students and / or parents will not be eligible for any refund.

3. Violation of school rules - students who make a serious violation of school rules will receive formal written warning from ECA, if students violates school rules seriously again; ECA has the right to terminate the student's study tours, all costs are not refundable; students and / or parents have to pay an additional fee to change tickets and transportation arrangements.

4. If students cancel the study tours before departure personal reasons, the cancellation letter must be applied in written form, telephone and e-mail notification will not be accepted.

5. Students and / or parents must pay fees within a specified period, otherwise ECA reverse the right to cancel the students' study tours, while all the cost paid are notrefundable.

6. If the student cancel the trip for personal reasons or "compelling reasons" (including war, political unrest, terrorist attacks, natural disasters, epidemics, bad weather, strikes, industrial action, Travel Destinations government / World Health Organization issued a travel warning, the HKSAR Government red / black travel alert, and other circumstances beyond the control of travel) , ECA will refund fees in accordance with the following provisions:

More than 120 days prior to departure


46 to 120 days prior to departure


15 to 45 days prior to departure


less than 15 days prior to departure


* Does not include the registration fee. Refunds will need six weeks to process, and will only accept bank transfer form. Please provide a valid account number in Hong Kong and the account holder name.